Edgar Savisaar

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Edgar Savisaar
Edgar Savisaar

Armoiries de l'Estonie
Cet article fait partie de la série sur la
politique de l'Estonie,
sous-série sur la politique.

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Portail politique - Portail national

Edgar Savisaar (né le 31 mai 1950 à Harku, comté d'Harju) est une personnalité politique estonienne, leader du Parti du Centre et qui a été Premier ministre d'Estonie de 1990 à 1992. Il est actuellement ministre de l'Économie.


[modifier] Education

After graduating from high school, Savisaar continued his studies at the université de Tartu. En 1973, he graduated from the university with a degree in history. In 1980, he wrote his candidate thesis in philosophie on the topic "Social Philosophical Foundations of the Global Models of the Club de Rome".[1]

[modifier] Career

From 1980 to 1988, Savisaar worked in governmental institutions dealing with the planning of economy. During 1988-1989, he was academic director for the consultation company "Mainor".

In 1989, he became the Vice-Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Estonian SSR and the Head of the State Plan Committee. En 1990, he was the Minister of Economy. Le 13 avril 1990, he was appointed the Chairman of the Council of Ministers. When Estonia declared its independence on 20 août 1991, he became the first premier ministre of the Republic of Estonia. His government was in office until 29 janvier 1992, when he was forced to resign after supplement problems and continuing decline in economy.

Election poster shows Edgar Savisaar declaring The Centre Party Alliance defends Your rights!

De 1992 à 1995, Savisaar was the Vice-Speaker of the Estonian Parliament (Riigikogu). Du 17 avril au 6 novembre 1995, il fut le ministre for Internal Affairs. When he was accused of recording private conversations of other politicians, the entire government faltered. Although his participation in the recordings was never proved, he announced his intention to leave politics. However, in 1996, he participated in the elections of the Riigikogu and became the Chairman of the Tallinn City Council. His return to the Centre Party leader's post evoked a split, as some leading members disillusioned with Savisaar's leadership style left to found Arengupartei. De 2001 au 14 octobre 2004, il fut maire de Tallinn. Le 11 avril 2005, il devint ministre of Economic Affairs and Communications dans la nouvelle coalition du premier ministre Andrus Ansip.

Edgar Savisaar and Estonia People's Union leader Villu Reiljan supported jointly Arnold Rüütel's candidature for presidency in août-septembre 2006; Toomas Hendrik Ilves was elected though, a choice criticised and attributed by Savisaar[2] to alleged hostile media and partisan lawmakers. Savisaar refused to congratulate the winner. [3]

Savisaar has published four books. He received the Order of State Coat of Arms in 2001.

[modifier] Controverse

Modèle:Unsourced Savisaar is one of the most controversial politicians in Estonia. While some people, including many from la minorité russophone, see him as a defender of poor, others accuse him of authoritarianism, nepotism, corruption, destructive intrigues, and having close ties with hommes politiques russes. The latter accusation has been fuelled by the Centre Party's collaboration treaty with Putin's United Russia party. Savisaar is know for using Machiavellistic polititics and deals to achieve his goals.

[modifier] Personal life

Edgar Savisaar has been married three times and is the father of four children.[1]

[modifier] Références

  1. ab Edgar Savisaar, biography, web site of The Government of the Republic of Estonia. Consulté le 14 février 2007
  2. video of Savisaar's reaction to the results: http://www.postimees.ee/240906/esileht/siseuudised/presidendivalimised_2006/219571.php?r
  3. Postimees: Edgar Savisaar seab kahtluse alla riigikohtu erapooletuse