Discuter:Alpha et oméga

Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

[modifier] Alpha and Sampi

Full global Greek alphabet is as follows:

It begins with Alpha, and ends with Sampi. That means that Omega in this case is not final letter, because after Omega is placed too Sampi. Due to this fact, in this case God is not only local Ionian Alpha and Omega, because He is in this case too Somebody more - global Pan-Greek Alpha and Sampi. This fact should be acknowledged by all Christians that uses global Greek Alphabet, because in this case they can diminish God by excluding Him from full range of global Greek Alphabet. Ionians were justified by their unknowledge, and Jesus only adjusted Himself to their lower level of knowledge, calling Himself as local Ionian Beginning and End. Sho was placed between San and Qoppa and was only existing Greek letter not used by Greeks, but by Bactrians that adopted Greek alphabet. (d) 24 janvier 2008 à 19:20 (CET)

[modifier] coquille ?

Selon c que j'ai appris, Alpha et Omega étant la premiere et dernière lettres de l'alphabet, portent plutot le sens "je suis le début et la fin", sous entendu "donc le tout". Par ailleurs, ça a beaucoup plus de sens a mon gout: dieu qui est infini, en temps et en espace, me semble beaucoup mieux exprimé par un tout englobant le début et la fin, que par un ensemble englobant le plus petit et le plus grand ...

Petit et grand sont des comparatifs d'échelle. Hors, Dieu n'a pas d'échelle, et ne peut etre comparé. La description actuellement proposée me semble donc fausse.

Parfois, je lis des chsoes qui ont plus de sens que ce que je savais avant, mais là, ce que je lis ici ce jour me semble beaucoup moins logique que ce que j'ai appris par le passé. : visit Oméga; it is said there that the greek alphabet as 24 letters. You list here 32 ones. I think that the number of letters varied with time, as for the latin one for example, that initially had not W or Z (which were introduced after year 200 AC from memory). I understand that Alpha&Sampi may describe God better than Alpha&Omega ... but, those historical text were written in given time; we must stuck to the alphabet in use by that time. A&Ω is a common symbole; when time evolve, it is not always possible to make all symbols evolve with humanity. Some things have to stick, and remain unchainged.

Doublehp (d) 5 mars 2008 à 01:47 (CET)

My list serves as compilation of all Greek letters that ever existed. I used Unicode charts as source of this list - only symbols explicitly called letters there are included. Because Greek alphabet is first ever vovel+consonant-featured alphabet, best what can be done is to say, that God is globally Alpha and Sampi, but too locally Α and Ω (Ionian), A and Z (Latin), А and Я (Russian), etc... (d) 19 mars 2008 à 13:39 (CET)