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szdavid 7 mar 2004 à 12:24 (CET)

[modifier] Burning of Haman's effigy

Outside the synagogue the pranks indulged in on Purim by both children and adults have been carried even to a greater extreme. Some of them date from the Talmudic period . As early as the fifth century, and especially in the geonic period (9th and 10th cent.), it was a custom to burn Haman in effigy on Purim.

In Italy the Jewish children used to range themselves in rows, and pelt one another with nuts; while the adults rode through the streets with fir-branches in their hands, shouted, or blew trumpets round a doll representing Haman and which was finally burned with due solemnity at the stake. In Frankfort-on-the-Main it was customary to make a house of wax wherein the figures of Haman and his executioner, also of wax, were placed side by side. The whole was then put on the almemar, where stood also the wax figures of Zeresh, the wife of Haman, and two guards--one to her right and the other to her left--all attired in a flimsy manner, and with pipes in their mouths. As soon as the reader began to read the Megillah the house with all its occupants was set on fire to the enjoyment of the spectators.

These customs often aroused the wrath of Christians, who interpreted them as a disguised attempt to ridicule Jesus and the cross and issued prohibitions against them; e.g., under the reign of Honorius (395-423) and of Theodosius II. (408-450; comp. Schudt, l.c. ii. 309, 317, and Cassel, l.c.). The Rabbis themselves, to avoid danger, tried to abolish these customs, often even calling the magistracy to their aid, as in London in 1783. This custom is no longer practiced.

[modifier] Fasting Before and After Purim

The Fast of Esther, celebrated before Purim, on the 13th of Adar, is not an original part of the latter, nor was it later instituted "in commemoration of the fasting of Esther, Mordecai, and the people", since this fasting fell, according to rabbinical tradition, in the month of Nisan and lasted three days. The first who mentions it is R. Aḥa of Shabḥa (8th cent.) in "She'eltot," iv.; and the reason there given for its institution is based on an arbitrary interpretation of Esth. ix. 18 and Meg. 2a, "The 13th was the time of gathering," which gathering is explained to have had also the purpose of public prayer and fasting. Some, however, used to fast three days in commemoration of the fasting of Esther; but as fasting was prohibited during the month of Nisan the first and second Mondays and the Thursday following Purim were chosen. The fast on the 13th is still commonly observed; but when that date falls on a Sabbath the fast is put back to Thursday, Friday being needed to prepare for the Sabbath and the following Purim festival.

[modifier] Purim Katan

In leap-years on the Hebrew calendar, Purim is celebrated in the second month of Adar, but by the Karaites in the first. The respective days of the first Adar being then called "Purim Katan" (Little Purim), for which there have been set forth certain observances similar to those for Purim proper, with the exception of reading the Megillah, sending gifts to the poor, and fasting on the 13th of the month. The distinctions between the first and the second Purim in leap-years are mentioned in the Mishnah (Meg. i. 46b; comp. Orah Hayyim, 697).

[modifier] Raffraichissement de l'article à l'occasion de Pourim 2006

J'ai beaucoup remanié ces derniers temps ce qui avait déjà été fait dans l'article et je juge la forme actuelle plutôt correcte. J'aimerais connaitre le point de vue des lecteurs et autres contributeurs pour savoir si d'autres aspects de Pourim devraient être développés dans cet article ou dans des articles complémentaires. L'objectif serait de satisfaire à termes aux normes des articles de qualité Wikipédia. Merci d'ajouter vos commentaires sur cette page afin de mettre en commun toutes les remarques pour faire avancer ce projet.

Franckiz 15 mars 2006 à 11:12 (CET)