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The Kaufman Plan( to publish March 1940!?) for: "Germany Must Perish"

Today's War is not a war against Adolf Hitler. Nor is it a war against the Nazis. It is a war of peoples against peoples; of civilized peoples envisioning Light, against uncivilized barbarians [Germans] who cherish Darkness. Of the people of those nations who would surge forward hopefully into a new and better phase of life, pitted against the peoples of a nation who would travel backward enthusiastically into the dark ages. It is a struggle between the German nation anf humanity. Hitler is no more to be blamed for this German war than was the Kaiser for the last one. Nor Bismark before the Kaiser. These men did not originate or wage Germany's wars against the world. They were merely the mirrors reflecting centuries-old inbred lust of the German nation for conquest and mass murder. This war is being waged by the German People. It is they who are responsible. It is they who must be made to pay for the war. Otherwise, there will always be a German war against the world. And with such a sword forever hanging overhead the civilized nations of the world, no matter how great their hopes, how strenuous their efforts, will never succeed in creating that firm and solid foundation of permanent peace which they must first establish if ever they intend to start the building of a better world. For not only must there be no more German wars in fact; there must not even remain the slightest possibility of one ever occurring. A FINAL HALT to German aggression, not a temporary cessation, must be the goal of the present struggle. This does not mean an armed mastery over Germany, or a peace with political or territorial adjustment, or a hope based on a defeated and repentant nation. Such settlements are not sufficiently conclusive guarantees of no more German aggression. This time Germany has forced a TOTAL WAR upon the world. As a result, she must be prepared to pay a TOTAL PENALTY. And there is one, AND ONLY ONE, such total Penalty: Germany must perish forever! In fact --not in fancy! (Page 5 ff) "Why breed children while Germany breeds war?" (P.10) " Suppose we are forced again to kill? For wars are won only by such killing, not by dying." (P.11) "When the day of reconing with Germany comes, AS COME IT WILL, there will be only one obvious answer. No statesman or politician or leader responsible for post-war settlements will have the right to indulge in the personal luxury of false sentiment and specious sanctimony and declare that Germany, misled by her leaders, shall deserve the right of resurrection!" (P. 13) "And most of all, he will not be permitted to disregard the unselfish sacrifices made by the common people so that the beast that is Germany shall never roam on earth again! (...) There is no longer any alternative: GERMANY MUST PERISH." (p. 14) "For, to reiterate, the German idea of world-dominion and enslavement of its peoples is no political belief: it is a fierce and burning gospel of hate and intollerance, of murder and destruction and the unloosing of a sadistic bloodlust.(...) (p.33) "Yet defeat will on no account erase their [the Germans] desire to conquer and rule the world. There is only one way to frustrate such a desire: the goal of world-dominion must be removed from the reach of the Germans and the only way to accomplish that is to remove the German from the world!" (p.28) Germany has lost its war. She sues for peace. The imperative demands of the victor people that Germany must perish forever makes it obligatory for the leaders to select mass sterilization of the Germans as the best means of whiping them out permanently. They proceed to: 1) Immediately and completely disarm the German army and have all armaments removed from German territory. 2) Place all German utility and heavy industrial plants under heavy guard, and replace German workers by those of Allied nationality. 3) Segregate the German army into groups, concentrate them in severely restricted areas, and summarily sterilize them. 4) Organize the civilian population, both male and female, within territorial sectors, and effect their sterilization. 5) Divide the German army (after its sterilization has been completed) into labor battalions, and locate their services toward the rebuilding of those cities which they ruined. 6) Partition Germany and apportion its lands. The accompanying map gives some idea of possible land adjustments which might be made in connection with Germany's extinction. 7) Restrict all German civilian travel beyond established borders until all sterilization has been completed. 8) Compel the German population of the apportioned territories to learn the language of its area, and within one year to cease the publication of all books, newspapers and notices in the German language, as well as to restrict German-language broadcasts and discontinue the maintenance of German-language schools. 9) Make one exception to an otherwise severely strict enforcement of total sterilization, by exempting from such treatment only Germans whose relatives, being citizens of various victor nations, assume financial responsibility for their emigration and maintenance and moral responsibility for their actions. Thus, into an oblivion which she would have visited upon the world, exists Germany.(p.90ff) Press-Echo: A Sensational Idea! (Time Magazine) A Provocative Theory- Interestingly Presented. (Washington Post) A Plan for Permanent Peace among Civilized Nations. (New York Times) Frankly Presents the Dread Background of the Nazi Soul. (Philadelphia Record)