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[modifier] Traduction en:James Wilson (House) -> James Wilson (House) =

James Evan Wilson,[1] M.D., est un personnage de fiction de la série médicale dramatique de la Fox, Dr House. Il est interprété par [[Robert Sean Leonard]].

Le personnage est introduit dès le premier épisode. Il y présente un cas médical au docteur Gregory House, le principal protagoniste de la série.

Il est le seul vrai ami de House et lui prête souvent main forte pour les cas difficiles. Wilson est à la tête du département d'oncologie à l'hôpital universitaire de Princeton-Plainsboro

[modifier] Biographie du Personnage

L'épisode pilote révèle que Wilson est Juif. Une autre référence y est fait lorsqu'il invite initialement House à un diner de Noël puis change d'avis lorsque ce dernier lui fait remarquer qu'il est Juif. Dans l'épisode "L'histoire d'une vie", il est révélé que Wilson a deux frères. L'un est deux est SDF et il ne l'a pas vu depuis 9 mois.

Wilson est habillé d'un T-shirt de l'université de McGill dans l'épisode "House contre Dieu". Deux dimplomes sur le mur de son cabinet attestent de son parcours à l'université de Pennsylvanie ou il bénificia d'un programme de bourse universitaire. Dans les photos promotionnelles du premier épisode de la quatrième saison, les diplomes de son cabinet sont lisibles. Il a un undergraduate degree (équivalent Français de la Licence) en art et en science obtenu à l'université de McGill et un second diplome obtenu à "l'école d'Oncologie" de l'université de Colombia


Wilson est divorcé de 3 marriages. Sa seconde femme Bonnie, agent immobilier, apparait dans la troisième saison. Son troisième marriage avec Julie se situe durant la première et la seconde saison. Celui-ci se solde par un divorce lorsqu'il découvre que Julie entretien une liaison extra-conjugale. Wilson lui-même n'est pas exempt de tromperie. Il confesse à Cameron qu'il connait "quelqu'un" qui le fait se sentir "drôle, bon" et qu'il "ne veut pas abandonner ces sentiments", {doute|sparking his own series of mental affairs and damaging his relationships|le conduisant ainsi à détériorer ses liaisons.


Après la fin de son troisième marriage, Wilson déménage temporairement dans l'appartement de House. Dans l'épisode "Safe", ce dernier explique à Wilson pourquoi il ne recherche pas un nouvel appartement : "Aussi longtemps que tu reste ici, ce sera juste une dispute. Dès que tu t'installera quelque part, ce sera un divorce". Malgrès les mauvais tour que House lui joue (comme tremper la main de Wilson dans de l'eau chaude durant son sommeil),

After the end of his third marriage, Wilson temporarily moves into House's apartment.[8] In the episode "Safe," House tells Wilson why he didn't look for a new apartment: "As long as you're here, it's just a fight. As soon as you get a place, it's a divorce." Despite playing several pranks on Wilson, such as dipping his hand in warm water while he is asleep, House attempts several times to prevent him from leaving. A few episodes later, Wilson moves out, telling House that he found a new apartment.

Wilson has known House since before the infarction, which occurs about five years before the time setting of the show, and looked after him when House's relationship with Stacy ended.[9]

[edit] Characterization

House once refers to Wilson as "a buddy of mine people say 'Thank you' to when he tells them they are dying."[10] Wilson uses his skill to help House by convincing a patient to authorize treatment.[5]

After Wilson suffers three failed marriages, House postulates that Wilson feels a need to "fix" the vulnerable women he meets, and when they become well-adjusted with Wilson's help, he becomes discontent and moves on. On a date with Lisa Cuddy, Wilson evades a question whether he wants children.[10]

Wilson comes to House's defense when House's career is in jeopardy. When Edward Vogler proposes a motion to the hospital's Board of Directors for House's dismissal in "Babies & Bathwater," Wilson is the only one to vote against the motion. In response, Vogler proposes and succeeds in obtaining Wilson's dismissal from the board, but Wilson is soon reinstated thanks to Dr. Lisa Cuddy after she convinces the board that Vogler is the real threat to the hospital and it's not worth his money for them to be controlled.

Wilson attempts to change House's drug habits, with little success. After starting a bet to prove House's addiction to vicodin, House concedes that he has an addiction, but says that the addiction is not a problem because it does not interfere with his work.[11] When detective Michael Tritter threatens to jail House for his Vicodin addiction, Wilson attempts to convince House to attend rehab as the situation worsens. After Tritter pressures Wilson to testify several times, Wilson reluctantly agrees, unknown to House. Before this, Wilson watches House punching Robert Chase, verbally insulting Lisa Cuddy and incorrectly diagnosing a child with a condition that would have required an amputation of one of her arms and legs.[12]

In the episode "Resignation," it is revealed that Wilson suffers from depression and uses a prescription for his illness.

In the episode "Frozen" House learns that Wilson has been dating Amber Volakis, one of his former fellows whom he dubbed "Cutthroat Bitch." Pressured by House, Wilson lied in saying that they had been dating for a few months after House fired her. In fact it had only been a couple of weeks. He also said that he likes changing pace from his typical needy relationships. House and Cuddy proposed that his need to be needed will feed off her need to control and will ultimately destroy him (and suggested that dating her was his safe way of dating House), but Wilson refused to break up with her. In "Don't Ever Change," House begrudgingly gave his approval to the relationship.

[edit] Concept and creation

Robert Sean Leonard was not initially interested in auditioning for the role of James Wilson.[13] Leonard believes that he got the role because he has met Bryan Singer in the past; shortly after Leonard was paid for his role in Dead Poets' Society, Singer borrowed money from him to shoot Lion's Den starring his friend Ethan Hawke. Hawke also attended high school with Singer. Leonard is content with the size of his role, and wants to continue playing a minor character on the show.[14]

Within the scope of a popular comparison that draws parallels between House and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes, Wilson is equivalent to Doctor Watson. Robert Sean Leonard has said that House and his character were originally intended to play the role of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson in the series although he believes that House's team has assumed the role of Watson since the show has begun.[15] Producer Katie Jacobs believes that Wilson and House both hide from mature relationships, which brings the two closer together.[16] She has said that the difference between the two characters is that Wilson finds it hard to say no because he wants to please the other person.

Leonard has said that Wilson is one of the few characters to voluntarily maintain a relationship with House, because neither of them work for one another and thus his character has "nothing to lose" by telling him the truth.[15] His character is one of the few who can make House laugh.[16] Katie Jacobs has said that Wilson's moving into House's apartment after a failed relationship in "Sex Kills" symbolizes his taking "emotional refuge" in his friend.[17] Gay references have been made to the relationship between the two characters of the show.[17]

[edit] References

^ "Deception". House, M.D.. 2005-12-13. No. 9, season 2. ^ Winters, Rebecca (2005-09-04), "Doctor Is in ... a Bad Mood", Time (magazine), ISSN 0040-781X, <http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1101308,00.html>. Retrieved on 9 October 2007 ^ "Pilot". House, M.D.. 2004-11-16. No. 1, season 1. ^ "Damned If You Do". House, M.D.. 2004-12-14. No. 5, season 1. ^ a b "House vs. God". House, M.D.. 2006-04-25. No. 19, season 2. ^ "House Training". House, M.D.. 2007-04-24. No. 20, season 3. ^ "Spin". House, M.D.. 2005-11-15. No. 6, season 2. ^ "Sex Kills". House, M.D.. 2006-03-07. No. 14, season 2. ^ "Need to Know". House, M.D.. 2006-02-07. No. 11, season 2. ^ a b "Three Stories". House, M.D.. 2005-03-17. No. 21, season 1. ^ "Detox". House, M.D.. 2005-02-15. No. 11, season 1. ^ "Finding Judas". House, M.D.. 2006-11-28. No. 9, season 3. ^ A Summer Away from the 'House' ^ Robert Sean Leonard Talks House ^ a b Ryan, Maureen (2006-05-01). 'House'-a-palooza, part 2: Robert Sean Leonard. The Watcher. Chicago Tribune. Retrieved on 2007-10-12. ^ a b Ryan, Maureen (2006-05-01). 'House'-a-palooza: On Omar Epps' Emmy bid, Wilson's messed-up life and stupid cane tricks. The Watcher. Chicago Tribune. Retrieved on 2007-10-12. ^ a b Ryan, Maureen (2006-05-01). 'House'-a-palooze, Part 3: Katie Jacobs. The Watcher. Chicago Tribune. Retrieved on 2007-10-12.

[edit] External links James Wilson at House Wiki James Wilson on TVIV Fox's House Site House at TV.com