Claire Littleton

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Claire Littleton
Personnage de Lost, les disparus
Claire Littleton dans le jeu Lost: Via Domus
Genre Féminin
Raison du vol Faire adopter son bébé
Famille Christian Shephard (père)
Entourage Thomas (petit-ami)
Créé par J.J. Abrams
Damon Lindelof
Série(s) Lost, les disparus
Première apparition Le Réveil - 1/2
Saison(s) 1, 2, 3, 4
Interprété par Emilie de Ravin
Flashbacks La Force du destin
Congés de maternité
La Voie des airs

Claire Littleton est un personnage fictif du feuilleton télévisé Lost, les disparus. Il est interprété par l'actrice Emilie de Ravin.

Ce qui suit dévoile des moments clés de l’intrigue.


[modifier] Biographie du personnage fictif

[modifier] Avant le crash

La vie de Claire bascule pendant son adolescence suite à un accident de voiture qu'elle provoqua, et dans lequel sa mère fut projetée à travers le pare-brise. Elle s'en sortira mais restera dans un état végétatif. Claire est alors submergée par la culpabilité. Peu de temps après, Christian Shephard lui rend visite à l'hôpital pour lui apprendre qu'il est son père et qu'il a payé les soins de sa mère. Plus tard, il vient de nouveau à sa rencontre dans le salon de tatouage dans lequel elle travaille pour lui suggérer d'abréger les souffrances de sa mère. Consternée, Claire lui demande de partir. Christian Shephard disparait sans même lui révéler son nom.

Dans un flashback dans Raised by Another, Claire travaille dans un fast-food quand elle apprend qu'elle est enceinte. Son petit ami, Thomas, le père de l'enfant, essaie de la convaincre de garder le bébé, mais il réalise plus tard qu'il est incapable de devenir père, et les quitte. Claire, seule, décide de faire adopter l'enfant. Ellle continue de rendre visite à sa mère hospitalisée, et lui révèle son intention de faire adopter l'enfant. Elle change d'avis, se sentant coupable et sous l'insistence d'un médium qu'elle a consulté appelé Richard Malkin. Malkin prie Claire quelques mois plus tard, en lui disant qu'elle et elle seule, doit élever cet enfant auquel cas il lui arrivera malheur. Quand elle refuse d'écouter cette histoire incroyable, Malkin change de tactique. Il apparait pour s'excuser et lui annoncer qu'il a trouver un couple à Los Angeles prêt à adopter le bébé. Il arrange son vol vers les Etats-Unis (Oceanic 815), qui décolle le lendemain, et insiste pour qu'elle embarque sur cet avion et pas un autre. Après le crash, Claire en vient à croire que Malkin avait eu connaissance du désastre, de façon à la laisser sans autre choix que de garder l'enfant avec elle.

[modifier] Après le crash

[modifier] Saison 1

Dans l'épisode pilote, Claire est en état de choc après le crash et est aidé par Jack Shephard et Hurley. Elle est dans un premier temps ignorée par beaucoup des survivants, la décrivant comme une "ticking time-bomb of responsibility." Pendant la première nuit, Charlie lui donne sa couverture, et les deux commencent à se fréquenter. Dans Les Pieds sur terre (1-01), Claire also shows herself to be a kind and caring person when she leads a memorial service held by the survivors while they burn the bodies of the deceased in the fuselage. In the episode House of the Rising Sun, Jack discovers a cave with a water supply and the survivors split up with one group staying on the beach because they want to watch for rescue, and the other group deciding to dig in for the long haul. Claire is one of those who choose to remain on the beach. However, Charlie tries to convince her to join them, and it is only after he gives her some imaginary peanut butter that she agrees. In La Force du destin, Claire has a dream that is is being attacked by someone who wants her baby, but the dream is so vivid that she believes that it actually happened. The other survivors believe that it was only a dream. After a heated talk with Jack, who is convinced that she is hallucinating, Claire leaves the caves. Charlie follows her, and they are both abducted by Ethan. Charlie is rescued, but Claire remains missing for two weeks, eventually returning to camp with amnesia, and still heavily pregnant.

Claire remembers nothing of the events after the crash, and flashbacks from the episode Congés de maternité reveal that she was taken to a medical hatch known as the Staff station. There, she is drugged and cared for by Ethan, who regularly injects medication into her womb for the baby, telling her that "they" will care for her child while they return her to the beach. However, Alex Rousseau warns Claire that she will be killed, drugs her and leaves her in the jungle. Claire encounters Alex's mother, Danielle Rousseau, and, in an attempt to stop her calling for the « Autres », Rousseau knocks her out and delivers her to the survivors, leaving her nearby so she can make her own way back to them.

In the episode À la dérive, Ethan makes threats that he will kill one of the survivors every night until they return Claire to him. This is kept secret from Claire, but she soon learns the truth of this and is mad at Charlie for not telling her. She agrees to be bait to lure Ethan so that the survivors can capture him, but he is shot and killed by Charlie. Later, on her birthday, John Locke requests her help in making a crib for the baby and she gives birth to a boy, delivered in the jungle with the help of Jin Kwon, Kate Austen and Charlie (Pour le meilleur et pour le pire). She eventually names the child Aaron. Soon after Aaron's birth, Rousseau arrives at the beach and warns everyone that the Others are coming. She takes an interest in Aaron, and kidnaps him after several of the survivors leave the island on a raft. Claire allows Charlie and Sayid Jarrah to rescue Aaron while she waits in the caves (L’Exode). They succeed and Aaron is returned to his mother.

[modifier] Saison 2

Later, she discovers the bottle of messages that was taken on the raft. Fearing the worst, she consults Shannon Rutherford, and the two give it to Sun (Le Mal Aimé). Her building relationship with Charlie suffers when she notices his possession of a Virgin Mary statue. When Mr. Eko reveals that it contains drugs, she forbids Charlie from approaching her or Aaron (Le Psaume 23). Later, Charlie takes Aaron from Claire and tries to baptize him, much to her distress, and she continues to distrust him. However, she consults Mr. Eko, and he baptizes the two of them the next morning (Le Baptême). Aaron soon falls ill, and Claire seeks Libby's expertise to help her unblock her repressed memories. She and Kate search for Rousseau, and the three of them trek inland and discover the Staff station, where Claire was previously held captive. Claire is unable to find a cure for Aaron's illness, but informs Rousseau of Alex's status. Upon returning to the beach, Claire finds that Aaron is well (Congés de maternité).

Claire and Charlie's relationships takes a positive spin when he gives her a box of vaccine for her and Aaron. She clasps his hand at the funeral of Libby and Ana-Lucia, as a sign of reconciliation. After the hatch implodes, Claire finds Charlie stumbling out of the jungle. The two kiss and make up (Vivre ensemble... Et mourir seul).

[modifier] Saison 3

The next day, Claire tells Charlie to help Locke when he arrives back at the camp. When the two return with an injured Eko, Claire, Nikki and Paulo assist by cleaning him up (Embuscade). Later, she is approached by Desmond, who fails to get her away from her tent. Later, however, lightning strikes her tent, but thanks to Desmond's lightning rod, she, Aaron and Charlie are spared (Une histoire de cœur).

The next day, Claire decides to go for a swim, and leaves Aaron in the care of Sun. Unfortunately, Claire is unexpectedly pulled under by the current and drifts out to sea. She is saved, however, when Desmond comes to the rescue, and revives her (Impression de déjà vu). She approaches him later to thank him, unaware of his clairvoyant ability. One morning, Charlie treats Claire to a surprise picnic, but notices a flock of passing seagulls, and forms a plan to catch one and attach a message to it. She consults Charlie, Sun and Jin for help, but is turned down by Charlie. Claire, Sun and Jin are about to catch a bird when Desmond thwarts their efforts. Sun suggests that she investigates, seeing a connection between Desmond and Charlie. Claire follows Desmond and confronts him over their strange behavior. She then learns of Charlie's expected fate, and Desmond hands her a bird. She and Charlie attach a message to it and send the bird off together (La Voie des airs). She is present at Nikki and Paulo's funeral in Jusque dans la tombe.

In a bid to avoid banishment, Sawyer converses with Claire, which at first seems awkward, but the two soon bond and she allows him to hold Aaron ("Left Behind"). The next morning, however, Charlie notices that Claire looks ill, and offers to care for Aaron instead. That night, after Jack returns to camp with Juliet, Claire coughs up blood and faints. According to Juliet, they injected her with medicine in order to stabilize her pregnancy and help her survive, but she needs more. The next day, Claire recovers after being treated by Juliet ("One of Us"). When parachutist Naomi recovers and speaks to the camp later the following night, Claire and Sun express equal outrage that the world considers them dead ("The Man Behind the Curtain").

Jack and Juliet lead Claire and the others into the jungle, and reveal their plan to rid them of the Others permanently. Claire is shocked to learn that Charlie has accepted a dangerous mission, but he assures her that he will be fine. He then tells Aaron he loves him before leaving with Desmond. She walks with Hurley to the radio tower, along with the rest of the camp ("Greatest Hits"). That night, they witness Sayid's plan to detonate the dynamite, but after the plan backfires, they press on regardless. They eventually arrive at the radio tower, where Naomi tells Claire that Charlie has successfully unblocked the signal, unaware of his death. She witnesses her murder and Jack making contact with her ship ("Through the Looking Glass").