Witching hour

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Witching Hour est le 3ème album du groupe electro/pop Ladytron, sorti en 2005.

Playlist (13 titres)

  1. High Rise - (4'54")
  2. Destroy Everything You Touch - (4'36")
  3. International Dateline - (4'17")
  4. Soft Power - (5'19")
  5. CMYK - (1'49")
  6. AMTV - (3'26")
  7. Sugar - (2'50")
  8. Fighting In Built Up Areas - (3'59")
  9. The Last One Standing - (3'11")
  10. Weekend - (3'57")
  11. Beauty-2 - (4'23")
  12. WhiteLightGenerator - (3'59")
  13. All The Way... - (4'08")