Discussion Utilisateur:Windharp

Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

[modifier] Rajout de www


pourrais-tu arrêter cette modification et laisser cette tâche à un bot histoire de ne pas flooder les RC ou les listes de suivi des utilisateurs ?

Si j'ai bien compris il s'agit juste de rajouter www devant les liens dmoz.org, je peux parfaitement lancer mon propre bot dessus qui le fera plus rapidement et sans gêner personne Clin d'œil

-- Chico (blabla) 10 septembre 2007 à 14:40 (CEST)

I hope you don't mind me answering in english? I can read french rather well, but have trouble writing it fluently. Si tu ne parle pas l'anglais, je peux l'essayer en français. Mais je pense ce n'est pas mieux....
I started changing it by hand, because - as an experience from other wikis - finding someone with a bot willing to do this type of change usually takes more time than quickly changing a few hundred things yourself. And I am basically to lazy to write my own bot. ;-) So if you are willing to use your own bot or find someone to run his, it is fine with me.
BTW: Usually, changing www. to non-www (or the other way round) isn't worth the work, but due to the ODP servers being terribly slow lately, and every non-www URL causing a cgi to be executed (which slows the servers even more) and redirecting to the www. version after some seconds, I try to fix as many links on the web as I can reach. -- Windharp 10 septembre 2007 à 14:51 (CEST)
Ok I take it for the french wikipedia Clin d'œil, see the contributions of Chicobot (d · c · b). -- Chico (blabla) 10 septembre 2007 à 15:04 (CEST)
Thank you. Meanwhile I have noticed that Chicobot will do Edit 200000 in the main wikipedia section on this one, if that should be his next project ;-) -- Windharp 10 septembre 2007 à 15:08 (CEST)
And apart from that: It's not that much work in most of the other large wikis, because fr. is one of the few places using a dmoz template which needs the complete URL instead of just the category path) -- Windharp 10 septembre 2007 à 15:10 (CEST)
Work started. Thank you for offering the 200 000th edit for my bot Clin d'œil. -- Chico (blabla) 10 septembre 2007 à 15:29 (CEST)