Discuter:Wilder Penfield

Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

[modifier] Problèmes de traduction

J'ai fait quelques retouches à cet article, apparemment traduit de l'anglais, mais il a besoin d'être revu par un spécialiste du sujet. Le passage "où il est initié à la Sir Charles Scott Sherrington" est un peu abscons.

--Jplm 12 juillet 2007 à 08:02 (CEST)

Dans son roman "Do Androids dream of electric sheeps", Philip K Dick décrit un appareil baptisé "l'orgue Penfield" dont le role est de "programmer" les émotions, allusion au traveaux de stimulation electrique par W. Penfield.

source: "Another device from the novel is the "Penfield Mood Organ," named for neurologist Wilder Penfield, which induces emotions in its users. The user can dial a setting to obtain a mood. Examples include "awareness of the manifold possibilities of the future," "desire to watch television, no matter what's on it," "pleased acknowledgement of husband's superior wisdom in all matters," and "desire to dial." Many users have a daily schedule of moods. The Mood Organ also has a setting for depression states, which contradict its original purpose to cheer up its user." (from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Do_Androids_Dream_of_Electric_Sheep%3F )